Beet Greens

Beet Greens


They will keep 7-10 days when stored in a sealed container and kept in the refrigerator. 5oz bag  

Beet greens are crisp and tender with a sweet, earthy and beet-like flavour similar to spinach. It can be eaten fresh or cook and stands up well to heat. Try them braised, steamed, sautéed or baked. We have dehydrated them into delicious healthy chips or create your own veggie powder to add into smoothies. When in doubt cook it with some bacon for extra flavour.

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Pairs with;

Fruits and Vegetables - citrus, berries, radishes, leeks, lettuce, kohlrabi, peas, carrots, cabbage, garlic, chives, onions, shallots, and squash.

Dairy and Meats - eggs, bacon, fresh cheeses, prosciutto, smoked fish and chicken.

Others - nuts, pasta, rice, honey, quinoa, vingears, and olive oil.