Just Clean Beef | Thistle Hill Farms

Hey folks, we have recently restocked with Just Clean Beef, Alberta Dexter products!! We will start with their Extra Lean Ground Beef and Stew Meat. We will get some tenderloins, soup bones, and even raw pet food in the near future! Stay tuned for more details on that. We are huge fans of Tracey and Brian and the way they raise their animals. If you haven’t tried their excellent products yet, we highly recommended you do! There is a deal if you purchase 10 packages of ground or stew meat. Stock you freezer full or order as needed for you and your family! Please enjoy the best quality local beef that we can provide. As always you can add these products to your regular CSA boxes!


GROUND BEEF • Frozen 1lb packages $8.25 | Save $5 when you purchase 10lbs at a time $77.50

STEW MEAT • 1lb packages $9 | Save $5 when you purchase 10 packages $85

TENDERLOINS • 28.75/lb

Dexter cattle are a hardy breed with a robust immune system that don’t require the chemicals typically used in a commercial cattle operation. They are easy handling; easy calving and provide a high quality beef as well as milk.
Their calm gentle nature has given them the honour of being labeled the ideal family cow.

Not all beef cattle are raised on pasture after they’re weaned. Most, conventionally raised cattle are sent from pasture, to feedlot, where they’re “finished” on a concentrated grain diet (usually corn and barley) in an effort to fatten them up quickly for market.
Grass-fed cattle, on the other hand, spend their entire lives eating only grass: they are not fed any grains. In the spring, summer and fall, cows graze on pasture and in the winter they eat hay.
Unlike grain-fed cattle, 100% grass fed animals take six to 12 months longer to reach market weight. Up to one year of extra grass, care and labor is predominately way grass-fed beef is a higher price than most cuts of conventional beef

There are many health benefits with grass-fed beef

  1. Greater protein to build healthy muscle

  2. Lower in overall fat and cholesterol

  3. Higher levels of Omega-3, Beta Carotene, Antioxidants (Vitamins A & E) and Minerals

  4. Higher levels of CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) which has been shown to fight cancer as well as heart disease

  5. Helps to maintain a healthy blood sugar level