Real Food - Reel

What is real food to us? 

☑️Slow - great food takes time and many folks look for the quickest fix to their daily hunger needs. We aim to fuel with intention of health and balance. Less focused on convenience or quickness of our meals. Raising animals, vegetables and cooking from scratch all takes a significant amount of time but the end product speaks for itself.

☑️Sourcing - products and produce are essential for being a really good and creative cook. Growing your own to raising meat birds and having a tight relationship with our beef provider is essential to creating meals that are sustainable for our family, the environment and the local economy. Knowing exactly what goes into our food that fuels our bodies is very important to us. 

☑️Seasonal -  going back to our ancestral roots by eating what is fresh in season or what has been preserved by us at home. It helps us live and enjoy the right now! Finding greatness in every season. Currently corn on the cob is in our daily meals but very soon Brussel sprouts and parsley root will take over. Every produce has the most nutrients during their peak season, another great reason to eat seasonally.