October Forecast

What a busy and physical upcoming month for our team! During this time we will start pulling the first of our parsnip, parsley root, celeriac, green and purple Brussel sprouts. Fresh rows of carrots, beets, radishes and kohlrabi are left to harvest as well. These late fall vegetables will be offered in the produce boxes and for individual or bulk sales.

Recently, we have been going through a bit of a lull in our micro greens, lettuce and spinach. It is coming, fingers crossed to start harvesting lettuce and spinach this week. The Farm To Flame event wiped us clean of the micros and we typically ramp up their production during the winter.

Greenhouses have been planted with loads of greens and herbs. The ginger and heirloom tomatoes are still going strong. Our goal is to save most of the ginger for seed similar to garlic but if we have extra we will definitely share with all of you! Fresh ginger is game changing.

The endless questions on our pickled, fermented and sauce items…our team hears you! Time in the kitchen is a priority once our chickens are fully harvested and field rows are ready for spring. Our wonderful customers have already sold us out of garlic and dill sauerkraut that just got restocked! I do believe that was a new record.

All of our garlic is planted!!! This was a huge fall event, since we almost doubled the amount for next year. Ended up buying beautiful chesnok red garlic from Twilight Herbs and Garlic - Stettler AB earlier in the year and all of that got planted. Looking forward to offering two different varieties next year!