Red Raspberry Leaf - Reel
Last summer we harvested bins of red raspberry leaves and dehydrated them for our daily teas and infusions (longer brewed). We offer bags of hand harvested, soil grown and chemical free herbs on our website or find them at our market stand.
The flavour of these leaves brewed comes across similar to black tea. Try pairing them with other helpful herbs to aid with particular issues;
-mint will help lift your spirits and give you a sense of renewed energy.
-ginger aids in mental focus, increases chi (life energy) especially near the root chakra. Recommended during birthing process.
-nettle helps restore the reproductive system, balance hormones, prevents hypertension (high blood pressure). -red clover helps increase fertility in both men and women.
-by itself it can gently relieve nausea, stomach distress (morning sickness) and can help take the edge off.
Anthony William in his book called Life Changing Foods, he claims that, “Raspberry leaf is also beneficial to men, mostly as a blood cleanser and overall detoxify. Helps grow hair when needed, and because it strengthen the pancreas, those who are dealing with pancreatitis can do very well on this herb.”
He also goes on to say that, “Raspberry leaf brewed as a tea is on of the most profound tonics to address infertility and prepare a women’s body for pregnancy. It is useful to help prevent miscarriages and it is a useful tool to address exhaustion following child birth and postpartum depression. Raspberry leaf is known to enhance production of breast milk.”
In Susun S. Weed book Childbearing Year she writes that, “Rubus is the best known, most widely used, and safest of all uterine / pregnancy tonic herbs. It contains fragrine, an alkaloid which gives tone to the muscles of the pelvic region. Contains calcium in its most absorbable form. Assimilation is further enhanced by the presence of phosphorus and iron, vitamin A and C in the raspberry leaves.”