Shopping Local with the Old Strathcona Farmers' Market

We Love Farmers’ Markets! It’s empowering to watch 130 businesses sell what they are passionate about each week. Shopping local is a trend we easily hopped onto, especially being a small market garden that thrives off of local support, it’s only fair that we do the same!

It’s no secret that the Old Strathcona Farmers' Market is a one stop shop for all grocery needs. Our crew finds prices reasonable, the staff and owners extremely well knowledge, products and produce 1000% fresher than anything you can get in the grocery stores and we are supporting families and businesses within our province! Come visit us all every Saturday from 8am-3pm.

Previous Market Haul;

-Peas On Earth - Pussy Willows

-On The Edge Coffee - Konang Springs

-Wholly Rhino Pepper - Maplewood & Bourbon Barrel Oak

-West Country Herbs - Fresh Basil

-Sundog Organic Farm - Sweet Dried Basil

-S4 Greenhouses Ltd. - Mini Bell Peppers

-Tulip Farm Red Deer - Weekly Tulips

-Wrap Speed Bagels - Nothing Variety

“As consumers, we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy.”

— Emma Watson