Spring Seeds

To attain our 70 plus different varieties of veggies, micro greens, herbs and edible flowers, means we have to seed shop at many different companies. All of them have their own pros and cons but Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company has the most beautiful packaging as well as some really unique heirloom seeds that we just love trying out.

With this seed order we had to get the pink, white and red celery from here. The different colours blew our minds last year and we had zero issues growing them. I ended up dehydrating loads of leaves and stems last year, that was a great way for us to have chemical free celery durning our long winter months. Added it into broths, sauces, soups, crock pot meals and stews. I will most likely double or triple the amount we save for our pantry this year.

Our tea cabinet is something we take very seriously. Last year we didn’t have to buy any and we typically go through about 15 cups per day in our household, especially durning fall-spring months. That is why I grabbed some unique pea seeds! I heard these are a powerhouse in nutrition, they work great as a tea or we can create the most stunning natural food dye for baking. We really wanted to try out these dark purple and blues, crazy what colours come naturally from plants.

A pretty pink turnip had to be added because it was something I have never seen before. Unfortunately I didn’t make it in time to get a pack or two of the yellow turnip seeds, maybe next year or later in the year if they become available again.

Japanese flowering kale is now a staple for us and we cannot wait to get our kale in the field this spring. It might be my personal favourite out of all the kale we grow. It makes the most stunning kale chips around.

The seeding madness has started for us, soon the greenhouse will be overfilled with starter plants! Growing new items has to be one of the most exciting aspect of market gardening for us. We love finding and learning about each new variety!

What are some new plants that you are planning on growing this summer and are you planning on prepping your own pantry with food and drinks for the winter?