Think Inside The Box - We Need Your Help!

Hey folks, we have been playing around with an idea that we'd love your input on!!

We are quickly approaching a time of shear abundance! The 2500 garlic are coming out of the ground and being cured as I type. The gourmet shallots, red onions and storage onions are right behind them. By the end Sept we will have literally thousands of lbs of …. Leeks, carrots, rainbow carrots, 3 types of beets, 5 types of potatoes, celeriac, rutabaga, kale, Swiss chard, parsnip, green and purple kohlrabi, broccolini, cabbage, winter radish, onions and garlic!!

Our greenhouse is successionally planted to ensure fresh lettuce, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, carrots, green onions and broccolini into Dec!

So……with all this abundance of freshness… do we get this to you?

Is there any interest in a Fall Weekly Veg Box?

What sizes (1 person, 2-3 people and family) should we offer?

How many types of veg would you like to see in a weekly box?

Pickup at a central location weekly or delivery?

Is a delivery charge fair and if so… how much?

What are price points that offer fair value for local, chemical free boxes?

If you have been part of a veg box program before, what were the things you would like to see changed?

How can we continue to provide our produce to you after most Farmers’ Markets close for the season?

Sound off folks!!!! We have busted our butts to have a huge harvest of a record amount of varieties and we need to know how to best serve you, our awesome customers! Any other advice on the subject is welcome!

Thanks to those that we see every week at market, follow us and share on social media and our many friends and family that continue to support our small farm. We value your opinion and need it to continue to grow better for you.

Please drop a comment below and if you are interested, let us know what town/city you are in!

The Klassen’s