Veggie Of The Week; Celeriac OR Celery Root

This week lets discuss Celeriac or also known by as Celery Root! 

Now, dont judge a book by its cover. This veggie is not particularly pretty but man is it delicious! It is part of the celery family and the during peak season you can eat the whole plant from leaves, flowers, stems (celery sticks) and the root (celeriac). 

If you have a potato intolerance this is your new BFF. Once the outside is peeled the inside can be used in the same manner as potatoes, boiled, baked, sautéed, mashed etc. The first couple of differences from potato to celeriac is the lack of starch and the smoothness, celeriac has a level of creaminess and tenderness that is somewhat lacking in certain potatoes. It has the subtle flavours of celery, parsley and it comes across somewhat sweet. 

One of our favourites for sure and we love to add it alongside our potatoes in a homemade mash or in stews. Dice them up and add as a replacement for celery. Try it grated into fresh dishes like salads or coleslaws. I have now often wondered since we started juicing regularly if celeriac isn’t a great replacement for regular old celery sticks. It oddly provides a lot of liquid per head and it adds a depth of richness. We haven’t tried this idea yet but making a pesto or chimichurri sauce out of the leafs would be delightful. 



French Classic;