Yellow Patterson Onions

Yellow Patterson Onions


1.5lb Bags- the bulbs will keep 1-2 months when stored in a cool, dry, and dark place with good air circulation. When sliced, all the onions will keep 7-10 days when stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

The Patterson onion ringed flesh is firm, crisp, and juicy. Storage onions are crunchy with a pungent flavour when raw, and when cooked, they develop a nutty, mild flavour with sweet undertones. They are the most common cooking onion. Known for it’s use in the classic French Onion soup, these onions are popularly chopped and used as a flavouring for soups, stews, and stocks. The onions can also be caramelized by cooking over low to medium heat, cooked into gratins, casseroles, and braises, or added to roasted meats and vegetables as a hearty side dish.

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Onions pairs well with;

Fruit and Vegetables; micro greens, avocados, citrus, tomatoes, cucumber, asparagus, green beans, artichoke, garlic, garlic scapes, beets, apples, mango, figs, raisins, potatoes, peas, turnips, celeriac, celery, carrots, leafy greens and peppers.

Dairy and Meat; yogurt, sour cream, butter, eggs, grilled meats, fresh cheeses, mozzarella, parmesan, cheddar, goat cheese, salmon, fish, sausage, poultry, cream sauces, pork, turkey, veal, beef and goat.

Other; vinegar, basil, cilantro, parsley, tarragon, cumin, cayenne, cinnamon, and star anise, couscous, dill, walnuts, pine nuts, mint, sage, oregano, sesame seeds, curries, mustard, paprika and red wine.