Norland Red Potatoes

Norland Red Potatoes


2lb Bags - The flesh is crisp, white, and firm. When cooked they have a waxy and dense texture and a mild, buttery, and earthy flavour. Red potatoes are considered an excellent salad potato because they hold their shape well when cooked and can be roasted and smashed when small in size. Use in soups, stews, and curries, or served baked or mashed. Try them diced and sautéed for breakfast hash or sliced thin and used on pizza. They can be cubed, roasted, BBQ’d and served as a side dish.

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Norland Red potatoes pairs with;

Vegetables & Fruit - lemon, garlic, leeks, Shishito peppers, onions, carrots and green beans.

Meat and Dairy -parmesan, goat cheese, sausage, seafood, butter, cream and milk.

Others - rosemary, basil, dill, parsley, olive oil, and vinegars.

Difference between local and grocery store potatoes - Click here to learn more.



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