Walla Wall Sweet Onions

Walla Wall Sweet Onions


1.8lb bags - due to their high-water content, Walla Walla onions will not store long term but will keep for about 2-3 months in a well ventilated, cool, dry, place.

Walla Walla onions are prized for their consistently sweet and mild flavour when raw, and due to their high sugar and water content, they develop a deep, sweet, and warm flavour profile when cooked. This variety of onion is suited for both raw and cooked preparations. Considered a true raw-eating, slicing onion, due to their consistently sweet and mild flavour. Try them layered on sandwiches, tossed into green and potato salads, chopped into salsa, or minced into sauces and dressings. They can also be cooked in soups, slow roasting stews, and casseroles, served with braised meats and grilled fish, mashed with potatoes, fried into sweet rings, topped over pizza, and mixed into pasta.

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Walla Walla onions pair well with,

Fruit & Veggies - cucumber, tomatoes, asparagus, green beans, artichoke, garlic, beets, apples, mango, figs, lettuce, spinach, arugula, swiss chard, broccolini, cabbage, avocado and

Dairy & Meats - salmon and swordfish, sausage, poultry, mozzarella, parmesan, cheddar cheese,

Others - couscous, dill, raisins, walnuts, pine nuts, mint, basil, sage, oregano, and sesame seeds.