Difference between Local and Grocery Store - Garlic Powder

This is the first of many posts where we will break down the differences between our locally grown, raised or made products verses other big grocery store options.


Some questions that we will cover are, which is the healthier and more cost effective option? What are in the products that we are consuming daily? Where did they come from?



-$9 for 50g container

-Small fresh batches made from our own soil grown, Lacombe garlic that is chemical free and spray free.

-No fillers, anti clumping agents or preservatives added.

-Slow and low method of dehydrating locking in the fragrance and flavour.

-Dehydrated garlic contains compounds with medicinal properties, such as

* Allicin compound which;

* reduces blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes.

* Improves cholesterol levels, which will lower the risk of heart disease.

* helpful to lower your blood sugar by activating the pancreas to produce insulin.

* improves bone health.

* Sulphur compound which;

* Can help combat sickness, including the common cold and boosts the function of your immune system.

* Used to help fight the risk of cancer.

* trace amounts of various other nutrients - fibre, vitamin C, B6, selenium and manganese.


Grocery Store Brand;

$8.99 for 53g container

Large batch using organic garlic from China but ground and packaged here in Canada.

Cooked at a higher temperature for less time and claims to have no significant nutritional value.


We would like you to have all the information before making your decision on purchasing a garlic powder that works best for your culinary needs. We are growing more than double the amount of garlic in 2024 and look forward to utilizing this amazing powerhouse allium in many different ways next year.