Holiday Meal Idea - Beef Tenderloin Edition

Started by patting dry the tenderloin then proceeded to rolled them in a blend of our dried herbs, garlic, onion powder, salt and pepper. Finished by tying up the beef to ensure even cooking. Preheated the oven and cast iron pan to 425F. Once it came to temp we added the two pieces of meat and let each side brown then baked until the meat was rare - medium rare, for us it was 15 minutes. Rested it for ten before cutting and took the pan drippings and added minced garlic, shallots, butter, broth and peppercorns to create a quick pan sauce. Mashed potatoes were made out of peeled Norland red potatoes and celeriac root. Let them boil in salty water until cooked and mashed with salt, pepper, butter and milk. Mixed our rainbow carrots, purple and green Brussel spouts and roasted them until they were al dente.

Currently we have several different melt in your mouth tenderloins on our online farm shop. We have the perfect, two - three people size portions that are under 1lb and one larger cut for a group or family which weighs over 2lbs. All of our beef products are from Just Clean Beef out of Pine Lake. They raise their cattle the same way we raise our birds and grow our veggies. Full of love and care with no added hormones, antibiotics, vaccines, grains and has a stress free life.