Shakshouka Dish

It’s amazingly fun to experience different parts of the world via cooking and food in general. The older and the more experienced I get in the kitchen the more I want to play around and learn about foreign dishes, like Shakshouka.

You can find variations throughout the former Ottoman Empire, the Middle East and North West Africa. This is my version of a dish full of warmth, comfort and history.

Started by prepping and chopping all of my veggies. Using our own grown, garlic scapes, tomatoes, zucchini, and locally sourced sweet fresh onions, rainbow carrots, bell peppers, bok choy and portobello mushrooms. Now I’m a firm believer that each veg needs a certain amount of cook time or you’ll end up with a textural mess.

Started by sautéing until clear the onions with my spice mixture made up of cumin, paprika, red chili flakes, homegrown coriander seed and dehydrated hot peppers from last year. Followed that up with the garlic scapes and carrots. Let them soften a touch before adding our mushrooms. Again let them soften and finished by adding in the delicate veg like tomatoes, peppers and bok choy.

Once they all married nicely, I added a can of my homemade tomato sauce, season heavily with salt and pepper. Everyone should have a stash of sauce at home, it makes kitchen life so much simpler. I let that slow cook until I cannot handle waiting a second longer.

I created little holes in the sauce to place my chicken and duck eggs in. Season all the eggs with salt and pepper. Cover with a lid to let them poach in that layered and rich sauce.

We serve it with a drizzle of homemade cilantro dressing with had leftover from last nights dinner, fresh local sourdough baguette and garnished with a mix of homegrown radishes, micro greens, mint, cilantro herb, cilantro, nasturtium and calendula flowers.

Friendly reminder that Wednesday is the last day to place orders for Thursday Central Alberta pick up or delivery.