Spring Ecosystem

You can tell it is spring out there! Rain almost everyday, salamanders are out and about, the frogs are singing their relaxing tune and of course baby grasshoppers are bouncing around.

When you have amphibians in your garden they act as a natural pest control, they will eat up all sorts of bugs and this includes, mosquitos, spiders, slugs, grasshoppers and more. When you notice them near your growing area it tends to be a sign of a healthy ecosystem since they are bioindicators. Frogs are sensitive to pollutants and pesticides in their habitat. One of the many reasons why we keep our growing area spray free of harmful chemicals. We let these little creatures thrive near us to keep a healthy and balanced ecosystem, protect our crop and to gauge our soil PH level and overall health.

β€œAn ecosystem that has the maximum amount of diversity is the richest.”

-Robert Greene