The Benefits of Buying Directly from Farmers

Ethical choice - natural practices are used when growing or raising food by smaller local farms. Less likely to be mass produced, less chemicals and better living or growing conditions. Health of the plant or animals is top priority.

Know where your food comes from - meet the families and farmers. When you walk into a grocery store do you ever wonder where the fish filet came from or the green beans? Might shock you to hear that most of those items come from out of country. Learn just how close to home you can get that same product.

It can be cheaper - visiting your farmers market regularly or messaging your local farmer will cut out the chain or third person. Many offer bulk buying, perfect for fall and winter storage or food preservation. Less gas and packaging will keep costs lower. Trades are not uncommon too - never hurts to ask!

More bang for you buck - fresh harvest means they last longer and they don't have to travel for days to a month at a time on a boat or truck before you get it. Sizing can vary and be easier for different size homes to shop efficiently. Different sizing plus the freshness means less hits the trash or compost pile!

Great for your health - produce has the most nutrients the first 7 days after harvesting. Eating local and fresh has been know to reduce allergies and help improve overall health. Soil grown or locally raised is simply much more nutrient dense way eating.

Wonderful opportunity to try something new - you will be introduced to new produce or cuts that you may not be familiar with. This comes back around to not being massed produced, us farmers get to control and more options ranging from different varieties, timing and growing methods. One of our favourites is the three different kinds of kohlrabi we grow, you can’t find that in the every grocery store!

Gets you more involved in your everyday life - making a weekly habit of ordering your groceries or visiting your local market are great habits to create. It can also lead you to being more engaged in the kitchen with trying new recipes or new food items. Great habits to pass down to your children or grandchildren.

Better for the planet - less packaging and travel always helps reduce waste. Local farms help boost biodiversity which is vital to a healthy ecosystem. Using more of natural grazing or growing techniques helps or improves soil, water and air health.

Expert advice - yes, us farmers know how to use our product and love sharing our knowledge. Recipes, tips and tricks are all shared openly to all.