Chicken & Duck Eggs

Chicken & Duck Eggs

from CA$7.00

One Dozen Mixed Eggs - please keep refrigerated.

Uninspected farm fresh eggs. Collected and served within one - two week of being laid. Our girls lay white, brown, pink and green eggs.

Duck eggs will be mostly white with the occasional blue egg.

Our birds live the high life, their coop is attached to our large outdoor compost pile, they get to eat all of the greens and produce from our large market garden. They get to forage in our nicely protected treed area and get daily dose of gorgeous sunshine and fresh air! Plus the ducks get a beautiful kiddy pool to enjoy their time in. Enjoy these happy and loved eggs.

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Eggs pair well with;

Fruit & Veggies - micro greens, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, celery, lettuce, spinach, arugula, swiss chard, kale, avocado, peppers, ginger, turmeric, garlic, garlic scapes, scallions, sweet potatoes, asparagus, mushrooms, summer squash, winter squash, zucchini, radish, beets and kohlrabi.

Dairy & Meats - bacon, ham, chicken, shrimp, sausage, beef, turkey, cream, cheddar, feta cheeses, milk, cream and butter.

Others - rice, grains, noodles, breads, olive oil, beans, cilantro, parsley, oregano, bacon fat, and miso.

Pickled Garlic Scapes

Pickled Garlic Scapes

Pickled Carrots BF58C116-E626-47D3-90BC-EC632E13D08D

Pickled Carrots

from CA$9.00