Early August Update

August is here!! Time for a little farm update.

Many weeks ago, we got gifted eight different hens and roosters. They have been living separately from our meat birds and as they seem much more delicate. This guy is super friendly and likes to be picked up.

Our heirloom tomatoes have been a fun experience this year. This blueberry cherry is a gorgeous fruit with a sweet delicious flavour. KK and Zeb had a Ukrainian couple that bought some heirlooms tomatoes at market and left, then later came back and sold us out of the rest because it tasted like the ones from home. Grateful we could provide them with memories of home.

The past couple of weeks or so we have wondered why our one spot in our green celery looks like it is growing slower compared to the rest that got put in around the same time. We ended up planting a tray of celeriac instead but this beautiful mistake means we will have a nice batch early this year. Which is such a bonus because we love that veggie. The rows in the field will be a end of a year harvest.

You are looking at the first ginger plant of the year! Planted our starters back in late April and haven’t checked them since. Wow, they have really taken off since being in the ground. Once the stem and roots were removed it weighted out to be 4oz. The stems are great in soups, stocks and broths. The leaves we plan to dehydrate and use in tea blends. The fresh root was used in our daily juicing. These plants will be an October harvest, they got a couple of months to go but we happy with the progress.

Patty pans and zucchini are now coming along nicely. The plants looked very uniformed the other day and had to snap a photo. Beans are also coming in full force, we have green, yellow and a purple variety.

This week we will be pulling and hanging our garlic, it’s going to be a large task of about 7000 heads but once it’s done we will have garlic for our fall and winter months. Right now we are offering fresh heads, this variety is Red Russian.

Hand weeding is a task we do typically on Monday's and spend the good portion of 5-7 hours every week picking away. We enjoy a weed free working area and our plants enjoy no competition.