Edible Flowers Starter Plants - Reel

The first of our edible flowers are all potted up! Currently offering extra starter plants for sale. We are doing 5 mixed containers for $20. Varieties would be the following, Pansies - Celestial Blue, Coronation Gold, Velvet Blue, and Arkwright Ruby. Violas - Bowles Black, Brush Strokes, Tiger Laeta, Heart Aqua, Sweeties, Bunny Ears and Chicory Chicks. All of our flowers are living outside and should be safe outdoors during most of the weather spring can throw at us.

Edible flowers work great tossed into a salads or with micro greens, try them added onto summer rolls and wraps, garnish on almost any savoury or sweet dish.

The next flower that should pop up for us will be chive blossoms and they work perfectly in spring salads, compound butters or topped on cream cheese toasties since they have a slight oniony flavour.

Last year we built three flower presses to preserve them longer. They work great for dessert and tea applications. The rainbow carrot cake was decorated with dried flowers from the last fall.

Friendly reminders that not all flowers are safe to consume, they must be spray free for the entirely of its life cycle.

Do you enjoy eating edible flowers and if so what is your favourite?