Market Weekly Deal - 5 Produce Items for $20 - Mix and Match

Find us at the Old Strathcona Farmers' Market every Saturday from 8am-3pm located in booth 9C next to Walker Orchards.

Try out our weekly market deal of 5 produce items for $20, that includes all greens and storage veggies too! We currently have loads of spring greens on the go such as red mustard, arugula, spinach, beet, lettuce and five different varieties of micro greens. This week you can expect gorgeous Easter egg radish bundles with fresh tops. Rotating varieties of succulents and starter plants can be found throughout the spring months.

Green, white and purple kohlrabi heads will be ready for next week, April 27th! Long red beets, French breakfast radishes and fresh carrot bundles should be available in the beginning of May. Expect delicious tomatoes and asparagus mid to late May.

“Eating locally is an act of rebellion against the industrial food system. It’s a way to reclaim our health, our autonomy, and our connection to nature.”

-Mark Bittman