Thick or Thin Asparagus - Which is better?
Let's Talk Food, Produce Of The WeekRyan Klassenold strathcona farmers market, osfm, alberta farmers market, alberta farmers markets, asparagus, green asparagus, alberta asparagus, ab asparagus, chemical free, spray free, hand harvested, soil grown, thick asparagus
First Kohlrabi of the Year!
Produce Of The Week, RecipesRyan KlassenOld Strathcona Farmers' Market osfm, old strathcona farmers market, farmers market, thistle hill farms, kohlrabi, green kohlrabi, purple kohlrabi, white kohlrabi, kohlrabi heads, spray free, chemical free, alberta grown, kohlrabi meal ideas, kohlrabi leaves, recipe ideas
Market Weekly Deal - 5 Produce Items for $20 - Mix and Match
MarketsRyan Klassenold strathcona farmers market, osfm, produce deal, yeg food, yeg foodie, yeg grocery, veggie deal, mix and match, good food should be affordable, spinach, mustard greens, arugula greens, beet, lettuce, micro greens, plants, kohlrabi, radishes, reclaim our health, reclaim our automony, reclaim our connection to nature, mark bittman, quotes, market garden, chemical free, spray free, soil grown, family owned, no till
Winter Produce Boxes
UpdatesRyan Klassenproduce box, produce boxes, produce, produce shopping, winter produce, market garden, alberta market garden, alberta farm, alberta farmer, alberta vegetables, alberta micro greens, micro greens, vegetables, root vegetables, csa, csa box, csa produce, alberta csa, alberta csa program, chemical free, spray free, lacombe grown
Edible Flowers - Reel
Produce Of The WeekRyan Klassenedible flowers, edible leaf, edible leaves, edible micros, micro greens, flowers, flower power, eat your flowers, central alberta, central alberta flowers, soil grown, spray free, chemical free, alberta, garnish flowers, pansys, Lavender, masturtium, snapdragons, basil, chives, chamomile, borage, chives blossoms, bee bal, chrysanthemum, zinnia, marigold, calendula, viola
Produce of the Week; Garlic Scapes
Produce Of The Week, RecipesRyan Klassengarlic, garlic scapes, scapes, alberta garlic, chemical free, spray free, red russian, music, music garlic, red russian garlic, central alberta, allium, alliums, recipes, recipe, garlic recipe, scape recipes, produce box, produce boxes, produce of the week, seasonal vegetables, eat seasonally
Produce of the Week; Chives
Produce Of The Week, RecipesRyan Klassenchives, chive, alliums, allium, leeks, onions, herbs, produce of the week, spray free, chemical free, alberta grown, chive blossoms, recipes, recipe shares
Produce of The Week; Golden Beets
Produce Of The Week, RecipesRyan Klassengolden beets, beets, beet, golden, yellow, orange, veggies, vegetable, root vegetable, red beet, white beet, candy cane, recipes, soil grown, spray free, chemical free, beet greens, beet tops, beet recipes, golden beet recipes, produce of the week, thistle hill farms, juice, salad, hummus, hasselback, roasted, boiled, cooking