Produce of The Week; Golden Beets

Produce of The Week; Golden Beets 

Our favourite beet of 2022! This year we will be adding two new varieties, all white and a candy cane variety! So who’s to say who will rein supreme, we will let you decide. The reason why the golden beet was so appealing to us is the colour and flavour. 

Unlike the red coloured beets, this variety doesn’t bleed and stain everything it comes in contact with, which is super nice. They are much sweeter in taste, and less earthy in flavour. For those who do not like the taste of red beets, there’s a good chance that they may enjoy golden beets. The greens are also more spinach like in flavour and when you cook with them I find they have more a bright green colour compared to the red ones. I prefer to pesto with only the golden kind because of the colour difference. We all eat with our eyes… right? 

They can be pickled, pureed for sauces, blended into smoothies or juiced.  Gold beets can be steamed with lemon juice, roasted for a caramelized consistency, or sliced and baked into thin chips. Kk has been adding them diced up in our soups and they have been a wonderful add! The greens are great lightly sautéed, served as a side dish. These beets pairs well with cheeses such as goat & feta, meats such as poultry, fish, and bacon, apples, fennel, herbs such as dill, parsley, and mint, citrus, potatoes, shallots, vinegar, and walnuts. 




