Fresh Beets - Red, White, Golden & Candy Stripe

Fresh Beets - Red, White, Golden & Candy Stripe


2lb bags. The roots will keep with their tops removed for 2-3 weeks when stored in the refrigerator. It is important to note that the skin should be removed before eating and is easily peeled once cooked. The leaves will only last days once removed from the roots and stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. The leaves are also edible and can be used in recipes as spinach or swiss chard substitute. Sold Individually.

Golden Rounds - Striking golden-fleshed beet. Smooth, golden roots with bright yellow flesh retain their colour when cooked. Excellent, sweet flavour. Gold beets can be consumed raw and are popularly shaved, shredded, julienned, or spiralized into salads, slaws, and soups. They can also be pickled for extended use, pureed for sauces, or blended into smoothies. When utilized in cooked preparations, they can be steamed with lemon juice, roasted for a caramelized consistency, or sliced and baked into thin chips.

Chioggia or Candy Striped - popularly used raw to preserve the bright stripes in the flesh and can be sliced into salads or garnished on top of soups. Coating the slices in lemon juice or vinegar will also help maintain the colouring. When cooked the flesh will fade into a pale pink or white hue and will develop a sweet, earthy, and caramelized flavour. They can also be thinly sliced and baked into chips, sliced into sticks and wrapped into fresh spring rolls, or pickled. They are a popular replacement in baked goods to add colour and texture to items such as brownies and cakes.

White - used in both raw and cooked preparations such as roasting, boiling, steaming, and baking. The beet can be finely grated into salads as a crisp ingredient or pressed into juice. Try them steamed and quartered into winter green salads and potato salads, boiled into soups, cooked into risotto, or roasted with root vegetables.

Red Round - They are popularly consumed raw in salads or are utilized in cooked applications. Try them roasted and incorporated into soups, burgers, and quiche, cooked into pasta, blended into sauces, or sliced thinly into wedges and fried into chips. They can also be mixed into hummus or used in baked goods such as cupcakes, cheesecake, tarts, and brownies. Wear gloves and use caution when peeling or handling to prevent staining of the skin and any clothing.

Long Red - They are widely used in processing because of their uniform shape and size, which allows for greater regularity when slicing than with round varieties. The roots are also favoured by chefs and home cooks for their shape and can be used in any recipe calling for beets. They are used raw in salads and smoothies and are ideal for pickling, roasting, baking or steaming. They can be sliced, diced, shredded or julienned and added to soups, pasta, stir-fries, or served alongside savoury sausages and meats. Wear gloves and use caution when peeling or handling to prevent staining of the skin and any clothing.

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Beets pairs well with;

Fruits and Vegetables; garlic, garlic scapes, radishes, apples, fennel, potatoes, shallots, clementines, grapefruit, lemon, raspberries, blueberries, pears, avocados, greens such as kale, spinach, arugula, ginger, scallions and carrots.

Dairy and Meat; pecorino, brie, gorgonzola goat, feta, and manchego cheese, yogurt, sour cream, butter, poultry, fish, and bacon.

Other; pea shoots, summer savoury, tarragon, dill, parsley, and mint, vinegar, lemon juice, almonds, pistachios, pepitas, pine nuts, mustard and walnuts.

Golden Beet Recipes



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