Why have Gratitude for Food? - Article

Read an article recently by Denise LaBarre from the Healing Catalyst and I just wanted to share some of my favourite sections with you.

“Why have Gratitude for Food?

First of all, you can’t live without it. Think about that again for a moment: you can’t live very long without food. If that’s not cause for gratitude, I don’t know what is.

Growing and preparing food used to take up the majority of people’s time and energy. These days, we can buy prepared food or eat “out,” which gives us more time to be productive in other ways. Eating healthy food made with love, and eating it with others in appreciation is still the best way to take in your nutrients; it feeds your heart, soul, and stomach. It used to be – and it still is in many parts of the word – that your only choice was to eat what is grown nearby, when the season serves it up. Now we have huge supermarkets with shelves full of food from all over the world. Whatever your food philosophy, whatever the source, take a moment to appreciate the food you eat and the edible bounty of choice that you enjoy.

The longer I live, the more I feel that how I eat is as important as what I eat. Every chance I get now, I sit down and take a deep breath before picking up anything. I appreciate the colours, give thanks to the beings who contributed to the food on my plate, and feel grateful for the whole process. That sets the stage for good assimilation, and then the enzymes in my saliva can begin the physical process of breaking down the food. When I do this, I eat more slowly and enjoy the whole process more; plus, I stop eating before I’m over-full. I know I’m giving myself the benefit of better digestion and relaxation. Since I eat good food, I want to get my time and money’s worth by assimilating it well.”

Read the full article here - https://healingcatalyst.com/health-benefits-of.../....

Photo - Burritos made with homemade sourdough wraps, chili sauce, slow cooked chicken legs, last years corn, black beans, sliced red onion, avocado, sweet ramiro peppers, cilantro, spinach, jasmine rice and garnished with pansy flowers.