Final Outdoor Harvest
I'm So Lucky - Reel
Youtube VideosRyan Klassenthanksgiving, thankful, grateful, lucky, reel, chickens, thistle hill famrs, thistle hill farms, local market garden, market garden
Farm To Flame Event - Reel
Youtube VideosRyan KlassenThe Old Red Barn reel, alberta reel, farm to flame, garden to table, feature farmer, feature farm, the old red barn, leduc, yeg, yeg foodie, yeg food, alberta farm, market garden, farm to fork, tomatoes, herbs, micro greens, beets, homemade, homecooked, bashaw meats and sausage, bashaw, thistle hill farms
October Forecast
UpdatesRyan Klassenoctober, October, fall harvests, autumn harvests, update, october update, parsnips, parlsey root, celeriac, carrots, beets, cabbage, sauerkrat, ginger, ginger seed, garlic, red russian, red russian garlic, chesnok red, chesnok red garlic, twilight herbs and garlic, thistle hill farms, chickens, harvesting everything
Real Food - Reel
Ryan Klassenknow your farmer, know your food, real food, raw food, eat seasonally, eat the seasons, eat local, eating seasonally, food source, source your food, local ingredients, homemade, slow food, raw foods, ancestral eating, alberta grown, thistle hill farms, reel
Veggie Explosion - Recipe Idea
RecipesRyan Klassenrecipes, recipe, recipe shares, recipe veggies, veggie recipes, vegetable recipe, recipe idea, kale, kale recipe, kale chip recipe, broccolini, carrots, corn, squash, summer abundance
Blackfalds - NEW Pick Up Location
UpdatesRyan KlassenRose & Hollypick up, pick up location, blackfalds, shop blackfalds, groceries blackfalds, vegetables blackfalds, veggies blackfalds, delivery blackfalds, blackfalds alberta, blackfalds ab, thistle hill farms, rose & holly, all things planty
End of the Outdoor Camrose Market
MarketsRyan KlassenWild West Meats camrose, camrose alberta, camrose food, camrose veggies, camrose micro greens, camrose foodies, outdoor camrose market, summer camrose market, camrose market, delivery, pick up, wild west meats, wild west meats camrose
Carrots - Major Harvests
UpdatesRyan Klassencarrots, carrot, rainbow carrots, rainbow foods, soil grown, red carrot, purple carrot, purple carrots, yellow carrtos, red carrots, root vegetables, orange carrots, juice, juicing, fresh produce
Looking for New Pick Up Locations
September Farm Tour - Reel
Youtube VideosRyan Klassenreel, reels, market garden, market garden reel, gardening reel, gardening videos, gardening video, farm, farm tour, tour, market garden tour
Stuffed Patty Pans with Roasted Pepper Sauce and Crispy Spuds - Recipe Idea
RecipesRyan Klassensquash, patty pan, patty pan squash, squash recipes, roasted red pepper, roasted red sauce, sauce, homemade sauce, warba potatoes, recipe, recipe shares, garden recipe, summer dinner, summer recipe, potatoes, edible flowers, broccoli, broccoli micro greens
Trying News Foods
Ryan Klassentry new foods, trying new foods, try new things, trying new things, kitchen creations, homemade, cooking, home cooks, cooking for families, learning about cooking, learning about food, microbiome, healthy food, health benefits
Find Fresh Produce at Bashaw Meats and Sausage
UpdatesRyan KlassenBashaw Meats and Sausage LTD.bashaw, bashaw alberta, bashaw meats and sausage, camrose, lacombe, stettler, meat shop, alberta meat, alberta meat shop, grocery store, groceries, groceries bashaw, groceries in bashaw, thistle hill farms, grill time, grilling, meat and potatoes, veggies and meat, produce, produce shopping, produce box, produce boxes, support local, eat local, shop local, bashaw farmers market, farmers market, market garden
Food for Though on Eating Seasonally...
EventsRyan Klassenfood for though, food for thoughts, eat seasonally, eating seasonally, eat fresh, locally grown, alberta market garden, market garden, enjoy the now, live in the moment, nature, kohlrabi, fresh harvest
Featured Farm - Farm To Flame
EventsRyan KlassenThe Old Red Barnfarm to flame, farm to fork, garden to table, thistle hill farms, marrow camrose, the old red barn, leduc, alberta food, alberta foodie, alberta eats, alberta on a plate
The Benefits of Buying Directly from Farmers
Ryan Klassenknow your farmer, know your food, food chain, food source, eat local, eat the seasons, eat alberta, good health, saving the planet, good habits, chemical free, locally grown
Little composters going to work! - Reel
UpdatesRyan Klassenchickens, chicken, roosters, soil grown, making fertilizer, making compost, compost, compost pile, breaking down compost, living soil, soil biology, meat birds, Composting, chicken poop
Produce of the Week; Broccolini
Early August Update
UpdatesRyan Klassenmarket garden, market gardening, farming, farm, alberta farm, alberta market garden, august update, update, chickens, roosters, hens, chemical free farm, no sprays, thistle hill farms